Tuesday, 29 October 2013

New Projects and journeys

I believe that creativity makes more creativity.

I had one idea, then in the process of making that one idea come true, I sparked off thousands more. Its like all the creativity dying to get out of me since art college has suddenly burst through the dam and I'm ready to roll again. Now that I am settling into my job at work, now that I have money to invest in staple guns and glue from Amazon, I'm able to build on what I know. I'm able to create these things that I have been thinking of.

It feels so good!

However, I'm working very differently than I used to. Instead of using sketchpads for ideas and inspiration, I'm using Pintrest. instead of having a studio, I'm using my bed. I'm not working for a professor or a project review. I'm creating stuff that I think is nice, that I would want to buy if I saw it.

So instead of a physical journey, I'm starting out on a creative one.

I'll show you what started it all off.

 I saw these for sale on gumtree and had to have them, so much raw materials for such a good price! 50 books for £20!

The Encyclopaedia Britannica used to be the go-to point of information for all knowledge in the known world. Everything was there. You could sit down and look at these for hours on end, do your homework from them, pay a fortune for them.

Then once Google came long, they became obsolete. Out of date from the moment the ink dried. It was a tragedy for the industry. If you think about it, people swapped the thousand pounds spent on books, to the thousand pounds spent on a computer and more monthly on the internet supplying them with information. So instead of savings, someone has just hopped in there to provide the same service, with more interactivity. The books mostly ended up just sitting there, like very expensive wallpaper.

I do feel a little guilty buying this woman's father's books from her for little or nothing compared to what they originally sold for.

Then again... now I get to make all these things!

Let the planning in doodles commence!