I know. It's been ages and ages since I wrote a post. Going from three a day to one a week must have been tough, however it meant that I was having a great time! Now that I have arrived and all my sins forgiven, I don't even feel bad about it!
So let me tell you how I have been doing.
Really really really well.
I was writing a lot at the start because I didn't have that many people to talk to, then my sister arrived and I slowed down a little, then Dan arrived and I slowed down a lot! Then when he left, I met very generous, happy, funny, interesting, smart distractions in the form of Steve, Katherina, Corina and Gwen, Marcella, Jane, Blair, the Spanish/Irish dancers, Claire and countless others who invited me out, planned the last stages, ate, drank, drank some more, slept, washed, lived, loved and walked a lot in between. My loads of time got taken up with real live people buying me drinks instead of people living inside my phone. Oops!
I have arrived in Santiago, and tomorrow, I go on to finistere, the end of the world, I have decided to go on alone if I can, if I just happen to run into Steve or new people on the way then all the better. But I feel ready to start alone again. It will give me time to decompress, to reconstruct the Grace that fell apart in the cathedral during the pilgrim mass. To get ready to face the big bad world with a tough skin again. I'll be honest, I feel like jelly, soft and vulnerable. I need to harden myself up again, what better way than to keep walking, and to make it harder, it's going to rain for the next few days. Just what I need! Haha!
So I have plans. Lots of notes and pictures that I have to put somewhere and this blog is going to be it.
Since I can't have a blog without a list here us a list of future blogs to look forward to. Also look forward to some heavy editing when I get access to a proper computer.
Peregrino daddies - in honour of my Daddy and the daddies I found along the way -Steve I'm looking at you.
Camino food - this is going to be a long one with so much more on Galicia
The camino dream - everyone has a dream at some point to open an albergue.
Camino sounds - many many many sounds.
The camino as a direction - the camino as life, as time, as all.
Where do we go from here?
Camino lessons - with a little help from Katherina who has been keeping track.
How to let people go.
A film review of "Camino- the way to Santiago"
And I'll leave you with something special
Buen Camino
Grace Babbler O'Neill
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